3D Laser Scanning
3D Laser Scanning Company
Rapture Global is a leading provider of 3D laser scanning services, helping clients to successfully complete their most complex projects with accurate as-built documentation and custom deliverables. We promise to deliver exceptional service for every client and can mobilize to any location quickly.
Advantages of 3D Laser Scanning
One of the big advantages of 3D laser scanning is the efficiency of data collection on site. It is therefore far less intrusive on the day to day running of a building than more traditional methods.
What in the past could have taken weeks onsite, can now be done in days, with the bulk of the work then taking place in our offices.
Rapture Global is able to undertake a structured 3D laser scan of your existing building, be it for renovation, adaption, extension, or other BIM purposes.
Why Choose Us?
Rapture is a trusted provider of 3D Laser Scanning in Charleston, South Carolina, using state-of-the-art equipment, software and processes.
Our experienced technicians use survey-grade laser scanners to capture exact dimensions and measurements of your project site with an accuracy of 2-4mm.
Many companies across Charleston, SC choose Rapture Global as their partner for 3D Laser Scanning. We work closely with our clients to deliver cost-effective solutions on time and on budget. If you are interested in learning more about 3D Laser Scanning, give us a call today at 1-800-RAPTURE or fill out our online form to reach us.